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Packaged equipment of ultra pure water for electronic and semi-conductor industry

The pure water system of the electronics industry consists of three parts: pure water preparation, pure water transportation and distribution, and pure water recovery.

In the manufacture of electronic and semiconductor materials and devices, a large amount of 18+ megohm-cm ultrapure water, which is close to the theoretical level, is required. Complex process and control solutions are required. Kexing Water Treatment has mastered the relevant core technologies and engineering know-how, and has provided more than 150 systems to serve well-known companies.

200-1000LPH standard 18+ mega-ohm-cm ultra-pure water device, using integrated membrane technology combined with polishing mixed bed, integrated structural design, widely used in central laboratory and pilot production; customer-specific ultra-pure The maximum water production of the water system can reach 200 M3/H, and the water quality meets the American ASTM electronic first-grade ultrapure water standard.

Single project installation scale: 15000m3/d

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